Back these Entrepreneurs!

The Couple the movie, Very Smart Brothas: The Series and ZED1964 – are all great projects by creatives that we feel need your full backing and support! Let us all support each other and make their projects even greater successes!

1. The Couple the Movie  Kickstarter Campaign has launched and as of today 03rd October it has exceeded it’s target, but please do go on and back this project if you are one of those who are tired of seeing Tyler Perry-esque movies (I watch them but still want to see more) and also would love to just see more black independent movies, then we think instead of writing up blog posts about your disdain of Tyler Perry or the lack of ‘good content’ support this great project, because sometimes it us the masses who make this change possible by backing creative projects like this .The Campaign still has 6 days to go and your support is still needed.


You already know we love the two brothas at Very Smart Brothas and we loved their book and now they’re working on creating a tv pilot call VSB: The Series.  The reason their blog has such great and loyal following is because it is well-written so one can only imagine what will go into the TV Series, with the two main character based loosely on The Champ and Panama.

And if you don’t support this Series terrible things are likely to happen – Tyler Perry will remake Love Jones with Chris Brown as Darius Lovehall, he will also remake Boomerang with Rihanna, Chris Brown and Ketomine all in that movie! To save us all please support our guys.

They are also using  the crowd-sourcing platform Indiegogo and you can click here to back these brothas!

3. C1RCA1964: ZED1964

#Zed1964 is an interactive social media photo project asking Zambians to submit photo’s that represent Zambia. C1rca1964 will be accepting photo’s via email, Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter from 1st October 2012 to 24th October 2012.

The aim: Get Zambians everywhere to showcase what Zambians are interested in and how diverse the country is from the people, our languages and culture.

Who can participate?: Zambians in Zambia, Zambians in the diaspora, honorary Zambians and anyone who loves Zambia.

What images can you submit: Almost Anything! Food, people, clothes, objects, buildings,animals, landmarks or landscapes. No gore, overtly/obscenely sexual pictures or stolen photo’s shall not be accepted

When: 1st October 2012  – 24th October 2012

Where to submit:


Email: c1rca1964z [at] gmail [com]

Twitter: @c1rca1964

Facebook: C1rca1964

At the end of the project Circa1964 will showcase their top favourite 20 images submitted by you. There will be an additional 4 images to be voted on by their readers for the top 4 spot. Click here for more 

2 thoughts on “Back these Entrepreneurs!

    1. Good stuff! Kickstarter is making its way to the UK – looking forward to more UK based creatives using that platform too.

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